
From the very beginning of One Life Church, we started supporting other ministries. A significant portion of our budget is dedicated to world missions. It is our desire to help spread the gospel in places that we ourselves cannot go. We want to be a part of showing hope, light, and love to those in need. We thank God for allowing us to be a blessing to each of these ministries.

Ron’s House

In 2018, we partnered with Global Impact Ministries, a local church in Alexandria, to bring about Ron’s House. Ron’s House is a homeless shelter and rehabilitation facility.

Mutual Faith Ministries

Founded in 1984 by Keith & Heidi Hershey, MFMI was raised up to help people join their faith to increase dynamic life-giving assistance in the nations of the world.

Greg Fritz Ministries

For over 35 years, Greg has helped countless believers learn the truth of the Gospel, and how they can let go of their past to manifest God’s best in their lives.


Coreluv works in impoverished areas to provide an orphan with six basic needs and to see hope returned to children, families, and communities across the nations. Their greatest joy is introducing each child to their heavenly father. They equip, support, train, and empower them to be all that God has created them to be.

World Compassion

Through World Compassion’s commitment to meeting physical and spiritual needs, they strive to make a meaningful difference in the lives of individuals and communities by empowering the local church to help others experience the transformative power of God’s love.

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